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  1. Hey JKI team and fellow users, I ran into a strange situation while working with the VI tester toolkit. I have a testsuite with a testcase under which I test for file writing and my VI under test uses a DVR array for effective memory use. Common things: There is a DVR array private field defined along with file path references Situation 1: Setup: I add requisite file paths and leave the DVR array private field alone. Test VI under test.vi (new from template): I create a DVR with my cluster constant and bundle it into an array and send it to my VI under test and also bundle it to the test reference (so that it can be destroyed in the teardown). teardown: I unbundle from the test reference to get the DVR array from the private field (which I had bundled earlier), and in a for loop, do a delete data value reference. Scenario result: When I run the test through the VI tester toolkit, I get error '1556' - data value reference not present and might have been deleted or something to that tune. Situation 2: Setup: I add requisite file paths and initialize my DVR array Test VI under test.vi (new from template): I unbundle the DVR array from the test reference and send it to my VI under test. teardown: I unbundle from the test reference to get the DVR array from the private field (which I had bundled earlier), and in a for loop, do a delete data value reference. Scenario result: Everything runs smoothly! Observations: In both the cases, the VI under test was loaded in memory (verified through VIs in memory property of the application property. The arrays show the DVR id in the array when probed and were the same in both the situations. Am I doing something wrong or am I seeing intended behaviour or is something off?
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