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Derrick Bommarito

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  1. You can see examples from the package info dialog in VIPM after installing the package.
  2. Oh! You don't need to modify my event, you can bundle together event registrations to pass into an event structure.
  3. Apologies, I'm not regularly active on the forums. If you still have an issue and could post an issue on the github repo I watch that list.
  4. Welp, I'm just now noticing this. Hooray half a year later! Feel free to ping me on discord on post an issue to the repo with questions if you're still looking for info on this.
  5. We're trying to update some packages that have some scripting that uses the Icon API, which brings in a dependency on pre-built HTTP stuff (automated sync with ni.com glyphs) and is causing issues in builds. I'm curious if anyone else is getting builds to work and if there's some trick I'm unaware of yet. I think most of the problem is NI renamed SSL.vi to something else but there's a PPL that gets pulled in with the icon API that links against the old one? or something? Related: (Same symptom of missing SSL.vi)
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