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Alexander Gieg

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Posts posted by Alexander Gieg

  1. I'd love to see these three License-related improvements to VIPM:

    1) First, a main window column showing the package license, so it becomes very easy to see whether a package is open source, freeware, proprietary/custom, or something else. It'd be nice if the column title could be clicked to sort sort packages by license type:


    2) To complement this, a change to the filter box with options to filter by license type, or maybe a second filtering box for this specific purpose. This would further help those searching for packages to focus on finding one they can afford and actually use for new open source projects, which is particularly relevant now that LabVIEW Community Edition is going to bring in lots of new users who definitely aren't going to purchase proprietary add-ons:


    3) Finally, it be interesting for the VIPM Community Edition, specifically, to only allow the creation of open source packages, what would create a clear barrier to those who might be thinking of using VIPM Community Edition for proprietary package creation. This could be done by changing the "License Agreement Name" (in VIMP Community Edition only) from a free form text field to a combo box listing only OSI-Approved licenses' SPDX codes, therefore making the intended purpose extremely clear. The default option could be BSD, with other popular OSI-Approved licenses listed below it, and less common ones (if requested) on a submenu:


    What do you think? 😊

    PS: Re-posted with changes from the original in the VIPM 2020 Beta board.

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