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Zaphiro Technologies

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  • Birthday 09/10/1981

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  1. The user experience to find and install the latest VIPM on Linux is pretty bad. downloading from here https://www.vipm.io/desktop/ once unzipped the instructions say LabVIEW runtime 2013 is required, I think the instructions are out of date. On NI's website, select Linux, LabVIEW runtime 2013, hit download, and you get the installer for 2016... Nevermind, I'll stick with VIPM 2017
  2. in 4.2.1b1 the lib path was '/usr/local/natinst/LabVIEW-2020-64/user.lib/_OpenG.lib/lvzip/lvzlib.*' for all CLFNs also another issue, that I also see on Windows as well as Linux is that the LVZip sub-palette is not showing up in the OpenG palette
  3. i manually extracted the lvzlib64.so from the ogp and replaced it in /user.lib/_OpenG/lvzip and renamed it to lvzlib.so then re-selected it in all the clfns then it works...
  4. after re-writing the post-install VI in this way I could get the package to install but then I have other issue with the clfn : dll on Linux doesn't go down too well and when I try to select the lvzlib.so, LabVIEW complains that
  5. I can't install this package on Linux (even after uninstalling the previous version, 4.2.1b1) I keep getting an error during the post-install : I'm using VIPM 2017 and on Ubuntu I have to run it as root to make it work, I suspect that could the the issue.
  6. i enable the "Do Not Compile on Build" option (in Source file settings section) and the package building worked and took a lot less time than before. As I mass compile my source folder anyway before building the package, am I risking anything? Why is this option "not recommended"
  7. side note : I'm still able to build other (smaller) packages successfully
  8. I get this error when building my package, previously the package was building fine, it did taka a long time (~15 to 20 minutes) to build though because it's quite large (~78 classes, 1200+ VIs). Since the last successful build I've only added some methods in the classes. Sources are in LV 2019 32 bit I'm using the latest version of VIPM 2021.1 b2754
  9. I "repaired" LabVIEW 2019 using NIPM Rebooted Uninstalled VIPM, re-install (runnning the install as admin of course) Rebooted now it seems to work again
  10. I've just installed the LV 2019 SP1 patch (f5) from NIPM and now won't launch. The splash screen comes up, then disappears. After that in the task manager I still have VIPM in the back-ground services : Anyone having the same issue?
  11. this solution worked for me on Ubuntu 20 : https://lavag.org/topic/21815-installing-vipm-1702018-linux/?do=findComment&comment=137641
  12. I've checked, my package does not depend on any other package. There was an vipc file (1kb), I deleted it, forced VIPM 2021 (2745) to check again for dependencies (still none) no *.vipc file created next to my *.vipb file package creation still fails.
  13. sorry, right after posting this I went to check if this issue had already been reported... it seems it has :
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