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VI Package Manager (VIPM)


  1. VI Package Manager (VIPM)

    This is a forum for discussing VIPM Desktop - the VI Package Manager for LabVIEW.

    Other Useful Resources:

    • Bug Tracker - report and track bugs, features, etc. for VIPM Desktop
    • Developer Docs - getting started and how-to guides for VIPM users and package developers
    • Beta Forum - discussion forum for VIPM Desktop Betas with download and getting started information
  2. VIPM Idea Exchange

    Share your ideas for how we can make VIPM even better! Users can up-vote ideas to help us prioritize what's important to the community.

  3. VIPM Public Beta Discussion Forum

    Start a new topic to discuss your questions and feedback about the VIPM Public Betas.

    Recent Announcements (Downloads and Getting Started Guides)

  • Create New...

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