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Button Add/Plus (transparent) has label "Wrench"


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Dear JKI community,

let me, please, share the following - button "Boolean--Add-Plus-Transparent-Button-(flat).ctl" has label "Wrench" (although, there is real wrench in transparent buttons set).

Thank you very much,

Sincerely, kosist.

Button Add.png

Edited by kosist
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Thanks, @kosist!

This will be fixed in the next release! I see you found the CTL file. You can modify and save that file, and it should work for you.

Here is a fixed file, in case you need it:



You can replace the existing/buggy file in the "<LabVIEW 2017>\resource\JKI\Design Palette\Themes\JKI Flat UI 2.0" folder so that this new fixed one will show up in the Design Palette.

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