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Jim Kring

JKI Team
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Everything posted by Jim Kring

  1. Great question. Short answer: no, you don't have to pay anything to use them in your projects. Long answer: Please see the license info here: https://resources.jki.net/jki-flat-ui-controls-toolkit
  2. We have an official bug ID for this 18825 - VIPM API doesn't handle LabVIEW 2020 We're working on a fix.
  3. VIPM 2020 is available for Mac. https://support.vipm.io/hc/en-us/articles/360045837651-VIPM-2020-1-Release-Notes-Windows-and-Mac-
  4. Hi @kosist. Thanks for reporting this. We've logged a bug [18812] for this issue and will have our team look into it. Regards, Jim
  5. Sometimes there are weird permissions issues in Windows with files on a network drive. I've noticed odd behaviors occasionally, too. I'm glad it's working for you now, and thanks for reporting these issues.
  6. Hi @elmachin. Are you able to choose the option to continue without sign-in? There are some corporate IT environments where the sign in does not work. Also, can you check the C:\ProgramData\JKI\VIPM\error folder for a file with the most recent date in the name and share it? That may help us understand the issue.
  7. Hi there. Hmmm, there are several possibilities. 1) Remove the external package dependency (in VI Package Builder >> Dependencies setting) You can make a package an *internal* dependency in the VI Package Builder (go to the dependencies page and remove it from the list of dependencies, and then VIPM will transparently build those VIs into your distributed package) 2) If the VIs in that library are kept beneath your VI Package Source Folder, then VI Package Builder should build them into your package. You'll want to be sure they get "namespaced" differently (by renaming the lvlib or putting the lvlib inside another lvlib for your tool) so that the library's VIs don't collide with an installed version of that library on the end user's development machine. 3) Also, I see there are newer versions of this tool available and one is available in VIPM. - Tree-API << this is a VI Package, but I don't think it's hosted on vipm.io - Tree Map << this is the newest and *is* available on vipm.io for installation with VIPM Would upgrading to use the Tree Map work for you? Then you could just make this a dependency that your end users will be able to install.
  8. Hi @felipefoz. You can use the VIPM API to query this.
  9. Hi There. I think you may need to also (separately) publish the system package to the repository, too, in order for it to be correctly downloaded/found by repository clients. Please try that, and let me know if that resolves the issues for the clients.
  10. Hi @Rami_Saaidi, We've had another user report a similar issue recently. Have you tried re-running the installer after the error, to see if it works the second time? Also, I think one user said they resolved the issue by installing .NET 4.0 before running the VIPM installer. -Jim
  11. @Ruslan. Thanks for reporting this. Do you know if this also happens in newer versions of LabVIEW, too (e.g. LV 2020)?
  12. I see. Could you change your individual packages (that require none of their VIs are in memory) to require that LabVIEW be closed before installing?
  13. Hi @ranjgith. No, there's no such feature for VI Package Configuration files. Packages, themselves, have such features but not VIPC files. Can you explain a little bit about what you need to accomplish? What's your use case? -Jim
  14. Hi @wolfkil. Thanks for letting us know it worked for you. We're trying hard to keep things working well. Please let us know if you have any more issues.
  15. Hi @Olivier Jourdan. I have no idea why this setting wouldn't work. Can you try it on a super simple project to see if it's reproducible? If you can reproduce it and zip up the sample project, we can take a look.
  16. Fantastic! Thanks for lettings us know.
  17. @mprantl Install stats are shown in VIPM 2020's VIPM Browser and on the package pages of vipm.io
  18. This is available in VIPM 2020 available for download: vipm.io/download
  19. @sblades this is fixed (we hope) in VIPM 2020.1 now available for download: vipm.io/download
  20. @StefanLemmens - this feature is in VIPM 2020.1 which is now available for download: vipm.io/download
  21. Hi All, @QsiAtWork, @Nstewart, @szymsciupak, @Mads Toppe, @wolfkil VIPM 2020.1 for Windows and Mac are available for download at vipm.io/download This new version allows download without sign-in, to allow corporate users behind an IT proxy/firewall to download/install packages. Thanks for your patience. -Jim
  22. Another thought... you can append text to VI Descriptions via this setting in the package builder.
  23. Hi Olivier, My first thought is that this would probably only work for a post build custom action (unpack the VIP, modify the VIs, and repack the VIP). -Jim
  24. Hi @Paul Torek. We did have some issues with VIPM 2020. There should be fixed/improved in 2020.1. You can get the latest release candidate and help us test in the VIPM 2020 beta forum. Sign up here to get access to that forum.
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